
about us

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Established in 2016, Primed is a team of experts that take responsibility from the moment we are engaged by our clients in:

We’re national, we’re flexible, we always deliver.

We completely understand that client changes happen. We expect this and adjust quickly to work with all stakeholders to deliver the change request.
who we work with

All the manpower to get the job done on time.

We deliver projects across all of Australia with our National manpower. Our Team have plenty of experience in the industry, but our difference is our attitude. Skill and experience is one thing but attitude is where we excel.
Meet our team

We invest in the latest software and machinery.

We design, manufacture and install here in Australia. We invest in the latest software and machinery to manufacture from both our Melbourne and Brisbane facilities, and always deliver the highest quality finish.
view our Services

We’re national, we’re flexible, we always deliver.

Knowledge of products and accuracy is key to delivering a project on time and to budget.

We completely understand that client changes happen. We expect this and adjust quickly to work with all stakeholders to deliver the change request.

who we work with

All the manpower to get the job done on time.

We deliver projects across all of Australia with our National manpower. Our Team have plenty of experience in the industry, but our difference is our attitude.

Skill and experience is one thing but attitude is where we excel.

Meet our team

We invest in the latest software and machinery.

We design, manufacture and install here in Australia. We invest in the latest software and machinery to manufacture from both our Melbourne and Brisbane facilities, and always deliver the highest quality finish.

view our Services

Have a new project in mind?

Whatever your vision, scale or special requirements, we would love to hear from you.

contact us